We live in New Jersey in a single family home. Would like to think that we are clean people but with toddlers you can never been 100% sure. Anyway was prepping food the other day and saw this bug (see attached) on the counter. Everything everywhere said it is a small German cockroach so we frantically disinfected everything, called pest control service. Greenix guys come and sprayed the whole area and left bait and told us there should be an increase in activity. It has been 4 days since treatment and have not seen a single other roach or the bait decreasing in size. We had sticky traps throughout our home for the past year for spiders and didn’t see any roaches in any of those traps either. I checked every other room and besides spiders don’t see any other bug dead or alive. Did greenix guys diagnose incorrectly and this is not a roach? If it is a roach could it have been a lone roach? I have looked behind the fridge and stove and don’t see anything there either. We do get Amazon boxes and service people (cleaning lady, baby sitter) so maybe it hitchhiked? Any advice is appreciated!